About the Audit
There are a number of surgical options available for the treatement of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) including insertion of tapes, coloposuspension, periurethral bulking agents and autologous sling procedures. This audit has included all surgical treatments for both primary and recurrent stress urinary incontinence.
Click for information about urinary incontinence (causes and treatments) or download individual information leaflets for the various surgical treatments.
This is the first year the Section of Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology (SFNUU) has published SUI data and the Section's Executive Committee has taken the decision to keep the first year's published data as simple as possible. We will, therefore, give details only of the type and number of operations performed by each surgeon and centre, together with information about surgeon and unit post operative complication rates, and some patient-reported outcome meaures (PROMS).
Interpretation of the data
This is the first year of publication for SUI data, there is considerable variation in the data completeness and there is insufficient information for risk adjustment, but this may be possible in future years. This is an important first step which we are keen to build on in future years.
The data presented are surgeon-reported, by entry into the BAUS Data & Audit System
. There is, therefore, no method for reliably validating the data other than by comparing with Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)
There are no financial incentives (or sanctions) for hospitals and Trusts to support collection of SUI data, and this may also account for the data being incomplete.