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Urological Cancer

Three of the most common cancers (prostate, bladder and testis) fall within the remit of urologists.

The overall management of patients with urological cancers is very much a team effort involving urologists, radiologists, oncologists, specialist nurses and other allied professionals forming multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) that work together in designated cancer centres.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer has shown a steady rise in prevalence in recent years, largely as a result of increased diagnosis.  It is now the second commonest cancer in men over 50, and the commonest cause of death from cancer in this age group. At last, prostate cancer is beginning to receive media attention which is attracting more money for research.

Further information about suspected prostate cancer

Earlier diagnosis of the disease, with complete removal of the prostate, innovative forms of radiotherapy and new approaches such as high-intensity focussed ultrasound (HIFU) are beginning to have a major impact on the disease.

More about surgery

More about radiotheray

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer commonly causes blood in the urine - an alarming symptom which usually means that patients seek advice at an early stage in the disease process. The urologist's ability to pass a small flexible cystoscope into the bladder in a clinic or day surgery unit makes for rapid diagnosis, as well as allowing simple follow-up of bladder tumours a;ready diagnosed and under surveillance.

The treatment of these tumours, and similar tumours that may affect the lining of the kidneys, is usually surgical removal by the urologist, sometimes followed by other forms of treatment such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Flexible cystoscopy ...

Bladder tumour resection ...

For further information about bladder cancer, click the external website links below:

Action Bladder Cancer UK

Fight Bladder Cancer

Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is the commonest type of cancer in men between 20 and 50 years of age.

Its management is the result of highly-successful treatment regimes, devceloped following lengthy and complex clinical trials on young men with all stages, grades and types of tumour. For most men with testicular cancer, removal of your testicle, followed by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy will usually provide a cure, even when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

The outlook is, generally, very optimistic for the vast majority of patients. Use the links below for further information ...

Removal of your testicle

Testicular cancer page