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Examples of EDI in Action

Workforce Report

The annual workforce reports compiled by Steve Payne with the assistance of Judith Mitchell provides vital data to help Trusts identify trends in the UK workforce whcih can be used to inform local workforce planning.

BAUS Members need to log in to see the full report by clicking here.

Training as a parent

BSoT has created a webage dedicated to information about training as a parent and training whilst pregnant, authored by BSoT members who have experienced these situations. 

Further information

The BAUS Return to Work Project

The BAUS Return To Work Project, overseen by Caroline Moore, Alice Hartley & Laura Derbyshire, has a significant amount of overlap with Widening Participation/EDI.

Further information

BAUS Course: "How To Be an Effective Chair"

In order to support colleagues taking on a role as Chair for BAUS meetings, Ian Pearce and Joe Philip have updated the course video giving information about how to be an effective Chair. 

Watch the video

Committee diversity record

BAUS Input to the Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA)

The 2022 Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) is a good example of how we are trying to ensure our members are aware of, and can take part in, reward schemes.  It also highlights our work in encouraging colleagues to engage with the work of BAUS Committees. 

Stats on committee members & applicants

PLEASE NOTE: the ACCIA programme only applies to England & Wales - Scotland & N Ireland are not included

Diversity Statistics for BAUS Section Executive Committee Elections

As part of our ongoing work to ensure engagement across the spectrum of BAUS membership, we will be monitoring the region, ethnicity and gender of  nominees for BAUS Committees to help us identify where representation needs to be encouraged. The picture below shows, as an example, the diversity breakdown for the 2022 Section Executive Committee elections: 

To help keep our EDI records up-to-date, remember to update your membership profile in MyBAUS, including your speciality interests, ethnicity and gender. You'll need to log in as a BAUS member ... it only takes a minute to complete and your entries are anonymised

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