Meetings - Past & Future

The Section of Endourology arranges two major meetings each year. The first, is held during the BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting where the section organises an exciting plenary programme. The second, usually held in the Autumn, is the official Annual meeting of the section.
Details of previous meetings are listed below:
Annual Section Meeting (Sep 2018)
Click to view (and download) individual presentations (as PDFs) from the meeting at The Section meeting took place at Keble College, Oxford,
Download individual presentations
Annual Section Meeting (Sep 2017)
BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting (Jun 2017)
Presentations from BAUS 2017 (in the Scottish Exhibition Campus, Glasgow) can be viewed by using the link below to access the video recordings from the Section of Endourology session.
View the presentations at BAUS 2017
Annual Section Meeting (Nov 2016)
Annual Section Meeting (Oct 2015)
The Annual Section Meeting for 2015 was held immediately before the World Congress of Urology (WCE) in London in October 2015 as a "one-off", to replace the usual Spring meeting. It was decided at this meeting that, from 2015 onwards, the Annual Section Meeting would be held in the Autumn.
The WCE took place at the ExCel Centre, London from 1 to 5 October 2015. The BAUS Endourology section meeting was held on Thursday 1 October 2015. The meeting featured a joint session with oncology and included:
- investigation of haematuria;
- small renal masses;
- upper tract transitional cell carcinoma (TCC); and
- simulation.
BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting (Jun 2015)
A meeting of the Section took place during the BAUS 2015 Meeting from 15 to 18 June 2015 at Manchester Central Scientific Complex.
There were two plenary sessions and a subplenary. The main themes (with "as live" surgery to demonstrate them) were:
- surgical management of ureteric obstruction,
- laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, and
- miniaturisation of PCNL.