The individuals below make up the Executive Committee for SAS & Trust Urologists. A photo and a brief biography has been provided for each individual, together with contact details.
Mr Samavedam ("SS") Murali - Chair
Email Samavedam
Samavedam is a Specialst Urologist at Lincoln County Hospital.
He was elected Chair of the Section in January 2024 and will remain in post until December 2025.
Mr Adham Ahmed - Vice Chair
Email Adham Adham on X
Adham is a Locum Consultant Urologist based at the West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
He was elected Vice Chair of the Section in January 2024 and will succeed Murali as Chair of the Section from 22-026-2027.
Dr Rickaz Raheem - Secretary
Email Rickaz Rickaz on X
Rickaz is a Locum Consultant Urologist based at Bedford Hospital. He is a member of the Surgical Specialty Board in Urology at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. In November 2022, he was appointed Co-Chair of the Intercollegiate Surgical Education Committee for SAS/LED doctors and Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors.
He was elected Secretary of the Section in January 2024 for an initial two-year term until December 2025.
Mr Omar Taha Ababneh - Elected Member
Email Omar Omar on X
Omar is a specialty doctor in urology at Craigavon Area Hospital, in The Southern Health and care trust, Northern Ireland. He has worked as an Urology specialist in Jordan and urology registrar in the Republic of Ireland, gaining MRCS England in 2017. His passion is upper and lower Robotic uro-oncology, Endourology and Andrology.
He was elected to the Executive Commitee in January 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2026.
Miss Kathryn Bandeira - Elected Member
Email Kathryn
Kathryn is a Specialty Doctor in Urology at Wycombe General Hospital in Buckinghamshire. She has previously worked in Urology at various trusts across South West England.
She was elected to the Executive Committee in January 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2026.
Mr Shekhar Marathe - Elected Member
Email Shekhar Omar on X
Shekhar is an Associate Specialist at Watford General Hospital.
He was elected to the Executive Committee in January 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2026.
Mr Govindaraj Rajkumar - Elected Member
Email Govindaraj
Govindaraj is an Associate Specialist at Basingstoke & North Hampshire Hospital.
He was elected to the Executive Committee in January 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2026.
Mr Hosam Noweir - Elected Member
Email Hosam Hosam on X
Hosam is a Senior Clinical Fellow at Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport.
He was elected to the Executive Committee in December 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2027.
Miss Susan Wong - Elected Member
Email Susan Susan on X
Susan is a Consultant Urological Surgeon & Andrologist at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.
She was elected to the Executive Committee in December 2024 for an initial three-year term until December 2027.
Professor Ian Pearce - Co-opted Trustee from 2024
Email Ian Ian Pearce on X
Ian is a Professor of Urology at Manchester Royal Infirmary.
He is the current BAUS President and was co-opted on to the STU Executive Committee as Trustee Representative in January 2024.
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