British Journal of Urology International (BJUI)
An official publication of The British Association of Urological Surgeons, edited by Professor Freddie Hamdy

The BJUI aims to provide the very highest standard of research and clinical information for the urological community, promoting awareness of new advances and supporting best practice.
The journal publishes original articles, reviews, comments and research communications on all aspects of urology. Clinical relevance is critical, and the journal covers the entire breadth of urology including urological oncology (all areas of urological oncology as well as recent advances in diagnostic techniques), robotic and laparoscopic surgery, upper urinary tract, endourology, functional urology, and andrology.
The BJUI also includes topical sections in the form of World News and Research Highlights, and regularly publishes papers for, and by, urology trainees in Trainees’ Corner.
The BJUI is constantly innovating to provide the urology community with a journal that is fresh in appearance, easy to read and is presented with additional features & supporting discussions.
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