From Mr Joe Philip - Honorary Secretary of BAUS
"... boasting an exceptional, international line-up ..."

I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you as we gear up for what promises to be an enriching and enlightening conference experience. On behalf of Mo Belal, the remarkable events team comprising Harry Heald & Chloe Austin, our dedicated Section Secretaries, and the awesome colleagues and friends who have poured their time, energy, and passion into making #BAUS24 a reality, I am excited to kick off our gathering.
This year’s conference boasts an exceptional lineup curated by our esteemed Programme Committee, featuring over 20 international speakers hailing from regions spanning North America to New Zealand. With a lineup of more than 100 chairs and nearly 300 speakers across 62 sessions, we are poised to delve into a wide array of topics aimed at expanding clinical horizons, nurturing well-being, and fostering innovation.
In a groundbreaking move, our inaugural session will witness representation from four Royal Colleges, engaging in discussions close to the hearts of urologists worldwide. From the evolving role of the Physician Associate to the imperative of addressing sexual misconduct in surgery, these sessions epitomize the depth and breadth of our shared interests and concerns. Moreover, this year’s program features an increased emphasis on workforce dynamics, burnout prevention, and emergent themes such as the identity of the future emergency urology surgeon.
Ben Turney and colleagues will challenge us to contemplate the landscape of urology in 2040, while Angus Luk’s session on surgeon sustainability underscores the pressing need to reassess traditional paradigms within our field. Drawing inspiration from diverse spheres including industry, healthcare, athletics, and journalism, we aim to glean insights on optimizing performance, maintaining well-being, and navigating the complexities of our profession. Our schedule also includes sessions on innovation and artificial intelligence, spotlighting the latest advancements poised to transform urological practice. Notably, the session on reducing risk, enhancing patient safety, and optimizing team performance promises to be a highlight, featuring experts from realms as diverse as air traffic control and Formula One racing.
Our schedule also includes sessions on innovation and artificial intelligence, spotlighting the latest advancements poised to transform urological practice. Notably, the session on reducing risk, enhancing patient safety, and optimizing team performance promises to be a highlight, featuring experts from realms as diverse as air traffic control and Formula One racing.
Monday sets the tone with a bustling evening reception in the Exhibition Hall, featuring the Awards Ceremony and live entertainment - a perfect opportunity for networking and camaraderie. Tuesday will witness the prestigious St Paul’s and St Peter's medal ceremony, alongside the BAUS Presidential handover, offering a moment for reflection on her successful past two years for Jo Cresswell and Ian Pearce presenting his vision for future endeavours.
Poster sessions, including the introduction of the new Gallery posters, will unfold on days two and three, showcasing a selection of high-quality research curated by our diligent abstract markers. Wednesday morning brings a focus on widening participation, with sessions tackling pertinent issues such as surgeon sex influencing outcomes, strategies for combating sexual misconduct in surgery and how to be an active bystander - a must attend session.
As we draw the conference to a close, we invite you to partake in a two-hour “Best of BAUS” scientific bonanza, featuring dynamic presentations from young urologists highlighting the pinnacle of urological innovation and excellence.
I encourage all attendees to explore the Exhibition Hall and engage with our industry partners and sponsors, whose invaluable support has been instrumental in making #BAUS24 possible. Satellite sessions will offer further opportunities to delve into cutting-edge technologies, novel therapeutics, and innovative care approaches.
I eagerly anticipate reconnecting with each of you in Birmingham and collectively shaping the future of urology.