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From Arie Parnham - Chair of the BAUS Section of Andrology & Genito-Urethral Surgery

"... cutting edge advances & critical discussions ..."

On behalf of the Andrology and Genito-Urethral Surgery Committee, I would like to welcome you all to BAUS 2024 in Birmingham, where cutting-edge advancements and critical discussions in andrology and urethral surgery take centre stage. From Monday, June 24th to Wednesday, June 26th, esteemed experts from across the country and beyond, will convene to explore the latest developments, offering invaluable insights into these rapidly evolving fields, as well as provide opportunities for you to speak to and network with colleagues.

We start on Monday 24 June (Hall 9; 1100-1230) with our showcase “What’s going on in Andrology”, which sets the stage for a series of engaging and diverse discussions by world renowned experts from the US, UK and Europe, including penile augmentation, trans health issues, testosterone replacement and Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome.

In the afternoon (Hall 9; 1630-1730), we have the new and improved video session examining new, (and re-visiting some old but gold), surgical techniques including; infrapubic penile prostheses, laparoscopic groin node dissection, grafting with collagen fleece and Nesbit procedures in Peyronie’s disease, and emergency penile fracture repair - a must-see for tips and tricks, and a chance to examine experts in their field.

On Tuesday, we have the ever-popular joint session with our sister sections, FNUU and BAGURS (Hall 8; 1400-1500hrs) and in the afternoon we have an unmissable chance to update your knowledge with a run through of “The papers that changed Andrology and Urethral Surgery in 2023".

Building on last year’s highly rated sessions, the Benign Andrology MDT (25 June; Hall 9; 1630-1730) and Genital Cancer MDT (26 June; Hall 10; 1400-1500) return, where experts will explore the uncertainties of diagnosis and management in erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s, infertility, testis and penile cancer.

On behalf of the Section Committee, I invite you to immerse yourself in the rich learning and networking opportunities that await. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a trainee seeking to expand your knowledge, BAUS 2024 promises to be a transformative experience, shaping the future of urological care.