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Resources & Links

Online resources

The following will provide helpful information about returning to work - click the appropriate logo on the left to access the information you require:

Guidance on the management of surgical trainees returning to clinical training after extended leave; published by The Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST)
Returning to surgical practice; guidance notes prepared by members of the working group (Laura Derbyshire & Alice Hartley) and the UroParents WhatsApp group (see below)
Supported return to training (SuppoRTT); published by NHS Health Education England (NHS HEE)
Maternity/Paternity survey results; a survey conducted by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in 2016, looking at the current barriers experienced by colleagues taking maternity/paternity leave
Skills fade: a review of the evidence; a comprehensive study across the whole health sector (but relevant to doctors) published by the General Medical Council
Supporting return to clinical practice; by Sophia Cashman, Felicity Reeves, Alice Hartley, Laura Waldron, Saiful Miah, Tina Rashid & Mary Garthwaite. Published in Urology News 2021: 26(1)

Support groups

In addition, there are support groups already established on social media to help parents - click the appropriate logo on the left to access the information you require:

UroParents Facebook group
A private group but open for applicants to join by accessing the page
LTFT Trainee's Forum Facebook group
A private group, but open for applicants to join by accessing the page

A UroParents WhatsApp group (both male & female)
For further information, use the link below:

Email Laura Derbyshire

Mums in Surgery Facebook group
A private group of surgical mums in the UK, formed to help each other vent, mentor and support; open for applicants to join by accessing the page
PMGUK Academic Mums Facebook group
A subgroup of Physician Mums Group UK; you must register as a member first.

What are your experiences?

The next step for the working group is to collate individual experiences of Return to Work from across the speciality.

The group is keen to receive examples of both good and bad practice with the ultimate aim of improving the experience of colleagues who, at any stage in their career, take a break from work.

The group is always keen to hear your experiences - short or long, good or bad. We will only share these with your permission, and we will always respect your anonymity. Click a link below to contact either of us by email:

Email Laura Derbyshire  Email Alice Hartley

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