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Oncology (ONCO)

The Section of Oncology aims to improve standards and quality of practice within the sub-specialty of urological cancer by promoting training, research and development in this area.

The Annual Meeting of the Section of Oncology takes place each autumn, at a different UK venue each year. 

  • The 2022 Meeting was held on 7 & 8 November at the Titanic Museum, Liverpool
  • The 2023 Meeting was held on 13 & 14 November at Bridgewater Hall, Manchester.

Download the latest newsletter (Nov 2022)

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Latest Oncology News

BAUS Weekly Newsletter

2024 Edition No 17

As part of the BAUS communication strategy, we are exploring new ways of delivering information to members in a succinct and timely manner. Now the...

Upcoming Event

24 – 25 Sep 2024

Cadaveric Open Radical Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion Surgical Skills Course

Surgical Skills Centre, Level 5, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland

This surgical skills course has been developed to enhance surgical skills in open radical cystectomy and urinary diversion techniques. This 2-day course, for maximum of 10 candidates, is aimed at ST4 or above, senior trainees who want to acquire surgical skills or Consultants who wish to strengthen specialised skills in radical cystectomy,...

Contact Information

Section of Oncology
The British Association of Urological Surgeons Ltd
38 - 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London, WC2A 3PE