From Mr Arun Sahai - Chair of the BAUS Section of Female, Neurological & Urodynamic Urology
"... a range of functional & recontructive topics ..."

A very warm welcome to BAUS 2024, on behalf of the BAUS Section of Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology (FNUU) or, as we like to be known, the FUN section. The FNUU Committee and I have created a stimulating educational program for this year. I would like to thank Mo Belal for his excellent leadership over the last 2 years. He has truly been a role model and an inspiration. I would like to thank Ased Ali and Tina Rashid for their valuable contributions as they leave the committee and welcome James Moore and Mehwash Nadeem to the FNUU family.
Over the 3 days we cover a range of functional and reconstructive topics and have joint sessions with the sections of oncology, endourology and AGUS/BAGURS. We are also excited to have Professor John Stoffel MD from the University of Michigan, USA, Dr Benoit Peyronnet, Associate Professor at the Rennes University, France and Professor Helen O’Connell, University of Melbourne, Australia as our international guests speaking and/or chairing in the programme.
The program will start mid-morning on Monday with the FNUU highlights session, featuring updates from Sachin Malde, Chris Harding and our ex-chair Mo Belal on the latest developments in research, clinical trials, and mesh. Afterwards, we turn our focus to uro-neurology and will hear from Professor Stoffel on the USA Neurogenic Bladder Research Group registry on LUTS, Incontinence and bowel dysfunction. We will get an update on the spinal injuries and the UK network from Richard Nobrega and finally hear on the fertility aspects and sexual dysfunction in spinal cord injured patients from Asif Muneer. Monday finishes with a "How to do …" session and includes a number of robotic reconstructive procedures as well as vaginal vesicovaginal fistula repair from experts in the field including Anthony Koupparis, Hashim Hashim, Tamsin Greenwell, Benoit Peyronnet and Arjun Nambiar.
Tuesday’s program includes the sessions. The first covers all aspects on Overactive bladder and we will hear presentations from Andy Kozan, Mehwash Nadeem, Mahreen Pakzad, Ased Ali and Simon Fulford. Following on from this we have the joint FNUU/AGUS/BAGURS session Widen your horizons – update on stricture, stenosis and prosthetics. Speakers include Anthony Mundy, Benoit Peyronnet, Suzanne Biers and Asif Muneer. Next is a very relevant session on "Diversifying the urology workforce’" and we will be updated on workforce planning and the roles of advanced nurse practitioners and clinical scientists in urology departments. In the session, we will hear views from Mark Rochester, Eskinder Solomon, Julie Jenks and Jonathan Broughton.
Wednesday’s schedule includes a joint session with endourology on ureteric stricture management. Findlay MacAskill will deliver the final results from the REJOIN audit and we will then hear about management – endoscopic, robotic buccal mucosa grafting and open reconstruction perspectives from Alistair Rogers, Rajesh Nair and Voula Granitsiotis, respectively.
The session will finish with challenging ureter cases from Joe Phillip, Nikesh Thiruchelvam and Muhammed Shamim Khan and will focus on ureteroileal stenosis, endometriosis and radiation/RPF cases. The final session is joint with oncology and covers the topic of urinary diversion. There is a not to be missed debate of open vs robotic continent urinary diversion from James Catto and John Kelly, followed by a complications MDT run by Tamsin Greenwell and Rosie Blades. Next up is an incontinent diversion overview from James Dyer and, last but not least, Jeremy Ockrim will discuss continent catheterisable channels.
Our ePoster session is on Tuesday morning, featuring presentations from various UK functional units. We also have two excellent teaching courses. Firstly, Good Urodynamics Practice led by Hashim Hashim which will take place on Monday from 1630. A new and exciting course on the Management of Functional Urology Emergencies will be led by Sachin Malde on Wednesday.
I would like to thank all the speakers and chairs for their expertise, time and efforts in making this such a wonderful programme. I hope you will join us for as many FNUU sessions as possible and look forward to seeing you in person. On behalf of the FNUU subcommittee, I wish you a productive and enjoyable BAUS 2024.