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Publishing on Social Media (SoMe)

"X" (formerly Twitter)

Keep in touch with up-to-date comments by accessing the BAUS feed using the link below:

BAUS Urology on "X" (formerly Twitter). 

Use the hashtags #BAUS24 and/or #urology2024 to help others searching for BAUS 2024 conference-related posts. For other urological terms (e.g. specific urological conditions), please use the standardised hashtags defined by Urology Tag Ontology.

More about Urology Tag Ontology

Delegates are advised to familiarise themselves with the GMC guidance and BMA advice regarding social media, before publishing on Twitter or any other social media platform.


You can also keep up-to-date with all BAUS 2024 information using BAUS TV on YouTube.

YouTube (BAUS TV)

You can find recorded content from previous meetings on BAUS TV, or access the recordings using the links in the Media Gallery on the main BAUS website.