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Contact Us at BSoT

We are continually striving to be the most comprehensive voice for trainees. To make a general contact click either of the links or use the address below:

Email BSoT via BAUS BSoT on X (formerly Twitter)

BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)
The British Association of Urological Surgeons Ltd
@ The Royal College of Surgeons of England
38 - 43 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3PE

Visit the Executive Committee page

Regional BSoT Representatives

To contact your regional BSoT representative, click here to go to the Training Deaneries page and select the region with which you wish to make contact.

BSoT Representatives on Committees

Download the duties of BSoT reps

BAUS Section Representatives

Peter Grice - Andrology & Genito-Urethral Surgery Email Peter
Louise Paramore - Endourology Email Louise
Andy Kozan - Female, Neurological & Urodynamic Urology Email Andy
Omer El-Taji - Oncology Email Omer
Kelly Ong - Core/Improving Surgical Training Pre-ST3 Fellows & FY Trainees Email Kelly 

Representatives on National Bodies

William Maynard - Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) Email William