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Current & Past BSoT Campaigns

The BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT) has already been involved in a number of high-profile campaigns, including the opposition to the junior doctors' contracts (marchers pictured right) which the Secretary of State for Health attempted to impose unilaterally. The most recent campaigns are shown below.


Are you being charged to stay on site for your non-resident on-call (NROC) commitments?

Registrars in urology usually rotate around a deanery during their 5 years of training, often at some geographical "stretch". Some of the hospitals can be more than 50 miles from one's home address, and many registrars are not happy providing an on-call emergency service whilst residing more than one hour away.

The changes to the 2016 Junior Doctor Contract have led some trusts, for the purposes of maintaining patient safety, to charge for NROC accommodation. There are, however, concerns about the lack of adequate rest facilities when registrars are called upon to return to hospital at unsocial hours, especially if long driving distances are concerned.

BSoT has teamed up with the British Medical Association (BMA) to try and tackle this problem via Local Negotiating Committees at the hospitals in question.

Are you affected? Get in touch for more information on Twitter where you can use the hashtags #DontPayToStay or #RipOffRegRooms.

Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) ST4 and ST6 waypoints

BSoT has been working with the SAC in Urology to canvass opinion on the ST4 and ST6 Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) waypoints.