Information Leaflets
All our patient information leaflets normally undergo a complete revision every three years. Leaflets for newly-introduced procedures are introduced as soon as possible, and urgent or essential changes to existing leaflets are made immediately. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the leaflet review scheduled for 2020 was delayed until 2021/22. All the leaflets were revised at that stage, but are now being reviewed in greater detail during 2024.
Please be aware that there may be minor variations in individual surgical practice that are not necessarily reflected in individual leaflets. The impact & timing of after-effects, together with recovery times, can vary a lot from patient to patient. You should, therefore, take your surgeon's advice about the risks of any procedure and their impact on you as an individual.
Some of this information contains graphic, medical images which you may find upsetting
Whilst we have made every effort to give accurate information in this section, there may still be errors or omissions in the leaflets listed. BAUS cannot accept responsibility for any loss from action taken (or not taken) as a result of this information. All leaflets follow style guidelines from the sources shown below:
Royal National Institute for Blind People
The Patient Information Forum
The Plain
English Campaign
For more general information about surgical procedures, you may find the following web links useful:
NICE Clinical
Knowledge Summaries
Information about
Things to Consider
Before Surgery
PLEASE NOTE: for some procedures, especially those that involve open
(cutting) surgery, your surgeon may discuss shaving of the surgical site with you