SAS Doctors Mentoring Project
from Mr Nitin Shrotri
23 October 2021
(Last updated: 7 Feb 2022 08:21)
Nitin Shrotri has published the following information for BAUS members on 23 October 2021:
" After an informal first year, we now see the launch of a more formal pilot for the SAS@BAUS project. This is scheduled to run from 1 November 2021 to 30 April 2022, with 29 mentees being guided by helpful mentors who are giving up their own valuable, personal time.
" As of now, most mentees are working towards the CESR, which will help Urology fill in the many Consultant vacancies nationally with accredited candidates. Initial mentorship lasts six months but will be extendable, as required, since this can be potentially a long and slow journey requiring plenty of patience. In future, this should extend help and support for professional development to any SAS or LED colleague who is a BAUS member.
" Monthly meetings will be held between mentors and mentees, and each of them will give anonymous feedback. This will be collated and the results fed back at the next BAUS Annual meeting in June 2022 by one Mentor and one Mentee.
" Monthly webinars will run from 19:00 to 20:00hr on the third Wednesday of each month, from December to April, on topics of relevance. The first webinar will be run on 24 November 2021 by Consultant Urologist Ms Tharani Nitkunan who will talk about the “Changes to CESR for Urology”. Miss Nikita Bhatt will speak at the second one on “Collaborative Research with BURST” on 15 December 2021. The first webinar for 2022 will be "How to write an Abstract" with Professor Bhaskar Somani on 19 January 2022.
" In addition to mentorship, some colleagues have agreed to provide further help in areas of their chosen interests e.g. publications, exams etc, so they can support mentors & mentees in these particular areas where extra effort, added focus or new contacts are needed.
" There is also a small “bank” of Consultant and SAS colleagues who have offered their time to help in brainstorming sessions.
" We look forward to the launch of the pilot, its progress and an outcome from the feedback, with lessons to be learnt, and we are immensely grateful to everyone involved for their help. "
For further information about mentoring SAS doctors & LEDs, please click here to go to the SAS section pages
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