Research Funding
Applying for grants to cover the practical costs of a study is a necessary step for most people wishing to carry out research.
This section of the site, whilst not exhaustive, includes links to recognised organisations that offer peer-reviewed awards, providing a range of support, from pump priming projects to funding larger studies.
Clinical Research Toolkit
The new Clinical Research Toolkit is made up of a series of articles from the Journal of Clinical Urology (JCU), and is primarily designed for urologists based in the UK who want to establish a practical interest in clinical research.
Taken together, these concise articles are intended to offer practical advice for urologists, junior and senior alike, who intend to take part in clinical research; they may also be helpful for clinical and basic science researchers in other disciplines. You may find the following JCU articles about research funding helpful:
Applying for research funding. Part 1 - sources of funding
Nelson AW, Gnanapragasam VJ - J Clin Urol 2016; 9(3): 201–204
Applying for research funding. Part 2 - writing a grant application
Nelson AW, Lamb AD, Gnanapragasam VJ - J Clin Urol 2016; 9(3): 230-233
Funding Links
The organisations below provide further information about applying for research funding. We have also provided social media links (YouTube, Twitter & Facebook) if you wish to use them to familiarise yourself with each organisation's activities.
Please browse the sites, either by clicking on the site icon or using the text link provided. Allow yourself plenty of time to put together an application ... and, above all, good luck!
  Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
CRUK has provided a list of all the available award categories with helpful contact details for adminstrators, key information about each post, details of how to apply and deadlines for preliminary submission, final submission and committee review ... click here for details
  European Association of Urology (EAU)
The site provides information about the EAU Research Foundation (EAU-RF) which offers researchers new scholarship and publication opportunities. The Foundation also offers a career development programme for young researchers ... click here for details
  The Health Foundation
The site displays funding and fellowship opportunities when they become open for application. You can sign up for a user account, and be notified when new opportunities become available ... click here for details
  Medical Research Council (MRC)
The site provides a comprehensive list of opportunities with opening & closing dates, shortlisting & decision dates and a description of the available grants together with guidance for applicants and MRC award holders ... click here for details
  National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
1. Information about funding for research studies, for training & career development and for supporting research ... click here for details
2. Inspired by patients and practice, the Research for Patient Benefits (RfPB) scheme generates research evidence to improve, expand and strengthen the way that healthcare is delivered for patients, the public and the NHS. It has more than 800 applied research projects in health services and social care ... click here for details
  Prostate Cancer UK (PCUK)
PCUK offer a wide range of funding opportunities, all of which align with their research strategy. All the funding opportunities fall into one of three categories: (1) research innovation awards, (2) training, learning & development awards, or (3) major awards & themed calls ... click here for details
  Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow
The site displays a list of eligibility, value and closing dates for research awards, together with links to online application forms and to further information by email ... click here for details
  Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
1. The College offers a number of grants to Fellows and Members, including research support grants, and grants for travel (such as the Ethicon Foundation Short Term Clinical Visit Grants and Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants) ... click here for details
2. The College awards a number of training and research Fellowships each year. The awards are open to Fellows and Members of the College in good standing, intending to undertake research projects in the UK. Surgical trainees who are within a year of completing the MRCS and intend to join the College are also eligible ... click here for details
  Royal College of Surgeons of England
Over the last 23 years, the Research Fellowship Scheme of RCS England has committed more than £35 million to support over 700 individual trainee surgeons working in university departments and hospitals throughout the UK and abroad ... click here for details
  The Urology Foundation (TUF)
The TUF Smaller Research Projects Fund started in 2015; applications should focus on how their research is beneficial to patient care. The fund is also open to applications from nurses, as well as clinicians and researchers ... click here for details
  Wellcome Trust
If you’ve got a great idea in the areas that the Wellcome Trust support, the site allows you to browse their grant schemes and find the one that is right for you ... click here for details
We welcome feedback about this page of the Academic Section and, if readers feel there are other valuable sources not mentioned here, please contact us by e-mail, and we will add the relevant details above