President's Aug 2023 Newsletter
from Jo Cresswell
30 August 2023
(Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 11:53)
I hope you all had a pleasant Summer.
I have noticed that BAUS activity reduces a little in July, August, and December. BAUS Trustees and staff team are now getting ready for a busy Autumn.
We are delighted to welcome a new member to the BAUS events team. Chloe Austin (Events Assistant) will be joining Harry Heald from September.
A busy program of events is planned for the Autumn so I am sure you will be meeting Chloe soon.
Meanwhile Honorary Secretary and Secretary Elect, Joe Philip and Mo Belal, are putting together the program for BAUS Annual Meeting 2024. If you have ideas for sessions, then now is the time to get in touch. Colleagues are often surprised to hear that the program is already confirmed by the Autumn.
Our events
BSUR & BAUS Endourology Joint Meeting (14-15 Sep 2023, Harrogate Convention Centre)
The preliminary programme, abstract submission, meeting registration and BSUR workshop registration (13 September) are now available - click here for further details
Section of Oncology meeting 13-14 Nov, Manchester)
Click here for further details
Section of FNUU meeting (13 Dec, Genome Campus Cambridge)
Click here for further details
Regional meetings
- East Midlands (EMUS) 7 Sept
- Northern Ireland 12 Sept
- Irish society of Urology 22-23 Sept
- Scottish Urological Society 5-6 Oct
- North of England (NEUS) 24 Nov
- Eastern Urology Group 17 Nov
8th Urology Simulation Bootcamp (9 - 13 Oct, Leeds)
Click here for further details
Royal Society of Medicine. Paediatric Urology and President’s Address (13 Oct, London)
Click here for further details
Career opportunities
There are exciting opportunities for members who would like to get more involved in BAUS activities. Our community requires enthusiastic and hard-working colleagues to represent Urology in many different roles. We have Section elections coming up in September, and several roles for appointment with BAUS and our partners. All of the current incumbents would be very happy to talk to interested colleagues. Watch out for BAUS emails and tune in to SoMe for applications opening.
Look out for the call for nominations for BAUS Awards and Medals – coming soon.
Research Surgical Specialty Lead (SSL) – Joint BAUS and RCS England appointment. We thank Prof Caroline Moore for inspiring us all in this role over the last 3 years.
Audit Steering Group Lead (ASG). Thank you to Andrew Dickinson for leading the BAUS audit strategy over the last 5 years. A separate role will be a representative to the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN)
GIRFT Lead for Emergency and Urgent Care Pathways. A new post to lead a working group supported by GIRFT.
Our partners
The Urology Foundation (TUF) and BAUN
The partnership between BAUS and TUF is important to raise awareness of research and training opportunities, and also to raise funds for TUF activities. On 10 September 2023, six BAUS members will be tackling the Great North Run - the biggest half marathon in Europe, 13.1 miles from Newcastle to South Tyneside.
BAUS will be represented by its President, the Chair of BSoT (Sarika Nalagatla) along with Sophie Rintoul-Hoad, Peter Grice, Karan Prakash and Andrew Moon. If you live in the North East come and lend some support. I am sure to hit the infamous wall by 10 miles! Thank you to Mary Garthwaite (Chair of TUF) for welcoming us at the finish and Chandrasekharan Badrakumar who will be taking some photos. Please also take a look at this link and consider sponsoring us to raise funds for TUF.

BSoT Fun Run at BAUS (2022). Three of the GNR hopefuls are in the picture
September is TUF Urology Awareness month
Follow social media posts for more information about events. To kick off the programme, on the 31 August 2023, Mary will be joined by colleagues including Sarah Hillery (President of BAUN) to present a Knowlex webinar "Bladder Health: The Hidden Issue".
Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations (FSSA)
The Presidents of the Specialty Associations meet regularly to work together on joint projects. For example, BAUS, along with the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) and British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) is contributing to a GiRFT consensus on the management of Testicular Torsion - an example of a condition that is managed by all three specialties.
The FSSA are developing work to support surgeons at different stages of their careers and to improve working lives. We also work together to lobby on issues such as training, national selection, and workforce.
European Association of Urology
The Crystal Matula Award is a prestigious prize given to a promising, young, European urologist aged 40 or under who has the potential to become one of the future leaders in academic European urology.
Application for this award is by nomination or endorsement via national urological societies only. If you are an EAU member and would like to seek endorsement from BAUS, please click here to email the admin team with a motivation letter and curriculum vitae.
PLEASE NOTE: BAUS Trustees may only endorse one candidate per year.
Finally, I'm looking forward to meeting lots of BAUS members at regional and section meetings in the next few months.
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