Introduction to Project SAS@BAUS
19 January 2021
(Last updated: 27 Feb 2021 16:45)

The first webinar organised by the Project SAS@BAUS Working Group took place on 13 January 2021 and the recording is now available to view by clicking here. For more information about how the SAS@BAUS Project came about and the aims of the working group, tune into the interview by Tim O'Brien with Nitin Shrotri, Siraj Natalwala and Mehwash Nadeem on this podcast.
One of the matters raised during the webinar was the need to understand the number, status and needs of SAS doctors in Urology. BAUS has also committed to include SAS doctors in the workforce report and we need your help to meet this aim. To this end, we have created a questionnaire that addresses these issues, as well as providing an opportunity for feedback on the webinar itself.
The survey can be accessed by mobile phone, tablet, laptop or PC by clicking here.
We do hope you will take this opportunity to help inform the work of the SAS Working Group and we would be pleased for you to share the survey link with your SAS colleagues – the section regarding the webinar can be skipped for those who did not attend or view the recording.
We will be providing a summary of the feedback to the SAS Project Working Group at the end of February, so it would be helpful if you could complete the survey by 12 February 2021, please.
Finally, plans are well under way for the next webinar which has been set up on our primary Zoom account and can accommodate up to 500 attendees. Registration is open now on the BAUS Events Page.
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