Baseline Criteria to Support CQC Inspection of Urology Units
BAUS Guidance (2018)
29 March 2018
The BAUS Baseline Criteria to Support CQC Inspection of Urology Units 2018 have been developed by BAUS Trustees, Council and the Specialist Sections. They are intended by BAUS to be both patient-centred and supportive to Urologists and their units, who will be periodically inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. The criteria and evidence outlined in the document reflect the four key areas (safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care) underpinning CGQ inspections. Understanding the focussed nature of CQC inspections should enable units to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining and improving standards of patient care.
As the CQC attempts to move to a more streamlined process for assessing hospital services through intelligence monitoring (e.g HES, statutory returns from Trusts etc), it is envisaged that, in the future, these criteria will constitute a baseline, below which a urology unit may be considered to be under-performing by the regulator.
Until then, BAUS hopes that the criteria will be useful to Urologists and Trusts as a "checklist" by which to consider the quality of local urological service provision. The document is scheduled for review in April 2019.
Click here to download the BAUS document
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