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Consultant Job Planning 2024

A message from Ian Pearce, BAUS Vice President: The original version of A Guide to Job Planning for Consultant Urologists - written by Kieran O’Flynn - was published in November 2016 and, for the first time, offered Consultants guidance on... Read more

President's Aug 2023 Newsletter

from Jo Cresswell

I hope you all had a pleasant Summer. I have noticed that BAUS activity reduces a little in July, August, and December. BAUS Trustees and staff team are now getting ready for a busy Autumn. We are delighted to welcome a new member to the... Read more

GIRFT Urology Pathway Delivery Guides

Supported by BAUS, BAUN & BADS

The GIRFT Academy has newly-published pathway & delivery guides, providing information on: Kidney Cancer  (led by Grant Stewart) Urology Area Networks - UANs (led by Mark Rochester) Urology Investigation Units - UIUs (led by Melanie... Read more