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Urology in Specific Geographic Locations
(recommended reading)​​​​​​​

Click the title of an article to open it in a new browser window - when you have finished, close the new browser window to return to this page. Journal references for the source texts are also displayed below

Urologist Workforce and Services in Ethiopia
Kifle AT, Biyani CS, Bogdanowicz J, Demilow TL, Teferi GT, Tsega TA. World J Surgery 2023

The scent of Ethiopia: a personal story part 1
Aslam ZM, Teferi G, Gobeze A, Biyani CS, Watson G. Urology News 2016; 20 (4) 

The scent of Ethiopia: a personal story part 2
Aslam ZM. Urology News 2017; 21 (4)

UROLINK in sub-Saharan Africa
Evans CM. BJUI 2002; 89 (Suppl.1): 6-10

Lessons from a regional hospital. A personal view of urology at KCMC, Tanzania
Fellows GJ. Trop Doctor 1995; 25 (Suppl.1): 68–72

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