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Textbooks on Tropical Medicine
(recommended reading)​​​​​​​

Titles and purchasing information (from Amazon) are listed below - when you have opened an Amazon page to view the details, close the new browser window to return to this page

Public Bioethics: Principles and Problems ... buy on Amazon
Childress JF. 2020. OUP. Oxford

Essential Surgery: Disease Control Priorities (3rd Edition) ... buy on Amazon
Debas HT, Donkor P, Gawande A, et al (Eds). 2015. The World Bank. Washington. 

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine (4th Edition) ... buy on Amazon
Brent A, Davidson R, Seale A. 2014. OUP. Oxford.

Tropical medicine. Lecture Notes (7th Edition) ... buy on Amazon
Beeching N, Gill G. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester

Contemporary Africa: Challenges and Opportunities ... buy on Amazon
Falola T, Mbah EM. 2014. Palgrave McMillan. New York

Principles of Medicine in Africa (4th Edition) ... buy on Amazon
Mabey D, Gill G, Parry E et. al.  2013. CUP. Cambridge

An Introduction to Global Health Ethics (1st Edition) ... buy on Amazon
Pinto AD, & Upshur REG. (Eds.). 2013. Routledge. London.

Global Surgery and Public Health. A New Paradigm ... buy on Amazon
deVries CR, Price RR. 2012. Jones & Bartlett. Sudbury

Turning the world upside down: the search for global health in the 21st century ... buy on Amazon
Crisp N. CRC Press; 2010

The Oxford Handbook of Humanitarian Medicine ... buy on Amazon
Kravitz AS, van Tulleken A. 2009. OUP. Oxford

Textbook of Tropical Surgery ... buy on Amazon
Kamel R, Lumley J (Eds). 2004. Westminster Publishing Ltd. London

Tropical Urology and Renal Disease ... buy on Amazon
Husain I (Ed). 1984. Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh

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