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Research in Low-Income Countries
(recommended reading)

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Routine sterile glove and instrument change at the time of abdominal wound closure to prevent surgical site infection (ChEETAh): a pragmatic, cluster-randomised trial in seven low-income and middle-income countries. 
Ademuyiwa AO, Adisa AO, Bhangu A et al. The Lancet. 2022

Reducing surgical site infections in low-income and middle- income countries (FALCON): a pragmatic, multicentre, stratified, randomised controlled trial
Ademuyiwa AO, Hardy P, Runigamugabo E et al on behalf of the NIHR Global Research Health Unit on Global Surgery. The Lancet 2021; 398(10312): 1687-1699 

Measuring the bias against low-income country research: an implicit association test
Harris M, Macinko J, Jimenez G et al. Glob Health. 2017; 13(1): 1-9

Urological research in sub-Saharan Africa: a retrospective cohort study of abstracts presented at the Nigerian association of urological surgeons conferences
Bello JO. BMC Urology 2013; 13: 59-64

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