This surgical skills course has been developed to enhance surgical skills in open radical cystectomy and urinary diversion techniques.
This 2-day course, for maximum of 10 candidates, is aimed at ST4 or above, senior trainees who want to acquire surgical skills or Consultants who wish to strengthen specialised skills in radical cystectomy, pelvic lymph nodes dissection, ileal conduit formation and neo-bladder reconstruction.
This is a practically-oriented course, and candidates will spend a large proportion of their time performing various surgical techniques on animal models and Thiel embalmed human cadavers.
Course Programme
The course will run in a relaxed environment and divided into sessions with a video presentation by trainer followed by practical skills session.
Day 1: you will work individually on animal models to practice urinary diversion techniques (Briker and Wallace), stoma formation, neo-bladder reconstruction (Studer) and bowel anastomosis (hand sewn and stapled). You will then perform full radical cystectomy with ileaI conduit on a pig model.
Day 2: candidates will work in pairs with trainers to perform radical cystectomy, pelvic lymph nodes dissection and ileal conduit formation on Thiel embalmed human cadavers.
At the end of the course candidate should be able to:
- complete uretero-ileal anastomosis with Briker and Wallace technique
- perform a good, pouted stoma
- complete bowel anastomosis by hand sewn and stapled technique
- complete cystectomy
- identify boundaries and complete pelvic lymph nodes dissection
- construct a neo-bladder