This was the first Punch Club meeting at which members' partners & guests were invited to participate
The 1994 Punch Club meeting was hosted by Peter Hamilton Stewart in Bradford from 2 to 4 November.
The icon created for this page (right) shows Mr Punch peering over the bladder neck between the curtains of the two lateral lobes of the prostate! ** see below
Members and their guests were accommodated at Hollins Hall Hotel and were transported, on the evening of 2 November, to Spring Hill, Baildon where they were treated to wine and supper by Peter & Christine, chez Hamilton Stewart.
The scientific sessions during the mornings of 3 & 4 November were held in the Field House Teaching Centre at Bradford Royal Infirmary.
Click here to view the academic programme for both sessions.
On the afternoon of 3 November, following lunch in the Yorkshire Clinic, members and their partners were transported to the National Photographic Museum (now the National Science & Media Museum) where they had a guided tour of the exhibits.
The black tie Club dinner took place in the Hockney Gallery following a drinks reception at Salt's Mill & Gallery (pictured below).

Salt's Mill (Saltaire, near Bradford)
Home to paintings by David Hockney, artist & son of Bradford
** any fleeting resemblance to the Pope delivering his Easter message from the Vatican balcony is purely coincidental (Ed.)
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