The 1996 Punch Club meeting was hosted by Peter McLean in Dublin.

Members & the Club Shield at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Front row: Mark Harrison (Hon Sec), Peter Mclean, Denis O'Sullivan, Wyndham Lloyd Davies
Second row: Joe Kennedy, Jim Bramble, Paddy Smith, Mike Wallace, Philip Clark
Third row: Mike Handley Ashken, Neville Harrison, Ken Munson, Peter Hamilton Stewart, Steve Chiverton, Krishna Sethia
Back row: Chris Smart, Ralph Beard
Peter Mclean, was President of RCSI at the time and combined the Punch Club meeting with a College event. The photo above was taken in the lecture theatre of the College.
Click here for the list of presentations during the two scientific sessions held in the Albert Theatre at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
At the Club's business meeting, a decision was taken to approach the Mayo Clinic with a view to a visit to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Punch Club. Professor Andrew Novick, Glickman Chair of Urology at the Cleveland Clinic, had travelled over from America to Dublin to give the Abraham Colles Lecture and, at dinner afterwards, invited Club members to add the Cleveland Clinic to their 50th aniversary intinerary; his generous offer was accepted and details of this meeting in America can be found in the Virtual Museum by clicking here.

The Irish National Stud & Japanese Gardens
The members' trip on Thursday 7 November was an outing to the Irish National Stud and the Japanese Gardens (pictured above) in Co. Kildare. The Irish National Stud is a thoroughbred horse-breeding facility in Tully, Kildare, County Kildare. It was formally established by incorporation on 11 April 1946 under the National Stud Act 1945 and is owned by the Irish Government. The Japanese Gardens, renowned throughout the world and the finest of their kind in Europe, are far more than simply a treat for the eye. They also provide comfort to the soul, achieving exactly the objective that was set out when the gardens were created between 1906 and 1910. Their creation was intended, through trees, plants, flowers, lawns, rocks and water, to symbolise the "Life of Man".
The black-tie Club dinner was held on the evening of 7 November at the Royal College of Surgeons in IrelandI.
Below are thumbnail images of members outside the shrapnel-scarred entrance to the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Click on an individual thumbnail to view it in full screen and then use the "Back" button/arrow (on a computer) or swipe right (on a smartphone/tablet) to return to this page.
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