The career of Terence Millin

Retropubic Urinary Surgery.
Terence Millin MA MCh (Dubl) FRCS FRCSI
9.65 in. × 6.75 in. Pp. 208 + vii, with 163 illustrations, some coloured
Pub: E & S Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1947
(original price 25s. net)
A comprehensive book by Terence Millin on his famous retropubic prostatectomy technique and other retropubic operations. Still available from second hand bookshops; a good read.

Retropubic prostatectomy
Millin TJ
Lancet 1945; ii: 693-696
Terence Millin's first description of his retropubic prostatectomy technique in The Lancet from 1945.

The birth of retropubic prostatectomy - Millin
Miller JA, Staunton MD
J Roy Soc Med 1989; 82(8): 494-495.
This is a really nice paper by J Ashton Miller, a former First Assistant to Millin, and MD Staunton, Millin's House Surgeon, relating the development of retropubic prostatectomy from first-hand experience.
Read the article online
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