Based on the Stern-Davies-McCarthy model
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This is a Millin’s resectoscope from the 1950s or 1960s. It was manufactured by the Charles F Thackray Instrument Company based in Leeds.
It was common for surgeons to alter and adapt instruments and then re-badge them as their own. This resectoscope is Millin's modification of the Stern-Davis-McCarthy and Canny Ryall resectoscopes.
Terence Millin (1903-1980) worked with Edwin Canny Ryall (1865-1934) at All Saints' Hospital in London. Canny Ryall was a pioneer of TURP in Great Britain and trained Millin.
In the Canny Ryall resectoscope, the telescope moved simultaneously with the cutting and coagulating loops during excursion, so they were both under continuous vision.

With Millin’s instrument, the telescope could either be locked in a fixed position (as in the original McCarthy one) or moved with the cutting or coagulating loop (as in the Canny Ryall instrument).
There was also a rotating‚ two-way irrigating tap and deflector in the beak which placed the loop behind the obstructing tissue before cutting.
This particular instrument was used by Mr Richard A Mogg in the Royal Hamadryad Seamen's Hospital in Cardiff, as can be seen from the label on the box. Although the instrument is incorrectly labelled as a McCarthy resectoscope, a little research with an old Thackray catalogue soon clarified the true situation.
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