The Derby (Richard Stanford) Collection
One of the reasons for the original creation of the Museum of Urology was to bring together collections of urological instruments from hospitals and private collections throughout the country, so anyone could share them and see them easily. These collections, both large and small, have been photographed so they can remain in their hospitals or collections, whilst also being showcased in the Museum of Urology. Some have been generously donated to the museum for safekeeping and future study.
The Derby Collection is housed at The Royal Derby Hospital; some of the collection is displayed in cabinets in the Urology Daycase Unit and Outpatient Department. I was invited to photograph the whole collection by Mr Richard Stanford.
Click on individual intruments to see larger images (opening in a new browser window)
Bigelow Evacuator

Missing the glass bulb
Child's operating cystoscope
Miscellaneous box of scopes
Cystoscope in metal tray (incomplete)
Cystoscope (type unknown)
Diathermy set

By the GU Medical Company
Diathermy set

Used in open bladder cancer resections
Hösel resectoscope (Wolf)
Stern-McCarthy resectoscope
Raper Resectoscope

Modification of the Nesbit resectoscope
Suprapubic scope set

Possibly a Morson scope
Thompson prostatic punch

Thompson punch
Turner-Warwick resectoscope
Turner-Warwick resectoscope
Blind urethrotomes

The lower one is a Thomson-Walker type
Ward catheterising cystoscope
Lowsley biopsy forceps

Wolf design - early fibreoptics & rod lens
Kidd's ball cystodiathermy
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